
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Adoration #1: Mr Romeo

I was just discussing with "Cookie Monster" this morning on getting a cute lille' pupply. His firm answer was a big fat NO. This pisses me no end. So I went on: Since I can't have a puupppy, I will treat you like one and from now on I will call you Mr Romeo (that was for my male puppy if I can get one).

Well apparently, Mr Romeo dun mind one bit. He likes to be pampered and scratch around the head. Playful and loved to be tickled. We made a deal, I get to call him Mr Romeo (he hates it) in the morning and tickled him till he wakes up(he hates this even more) to have breakfast with me. I get to pat him on the head and scratch him around the ear. AND I get no puppy. But aren't they the cutest thing (I meant the puppies but my husband is cute too).

urgggg can't stand it so so cute.......

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Eden Garden #1 A little Seed Lovin

It was years since I last received a handwritten letter and an acre of potential plants and tree seeds. Even a Gucci bag as present could not be compare to the joy of receiving a hand written letter with package of seeds from Argentina.(then again I dun like Gucci bag)

Laura was sweet enough to accommodate my request for wisteria seeds and on top of that send me a host of other seeds for bonsai, hibiscus and others. Love Love Love the seeds Laura.  

This reminded me of the times that I would eagerly await by the letter box for Mr Postman to deliver my letter from my penpal. Or the excitement of a package of dresses from Victoria Secrets or the time when I make online purchases for seeds. It’s like waiting for something good to come my way. That keeps me happy till I receive the intended. Once received, the excitement of growing them from seeds to plants to flower will extent the high to another week or two. Nothing like the good ole' fashion posting. Or maybe its just me.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

An Old Chanel No.5 perfume bottle

Its my mum’s present from a handsome young American. During her time, it is unheard of to be associated with “gui loh” aka white ghost aka white foreigner. On that faithful day, there was the “gui loh” trying to pursue my mum with flowers, guitar, sound speaker (because when ask what it was she want, she blurted out guitar set) and the faithful small sample of Old Channel No.5 came along with it. My father happened to be there on business deals and hence took notice of her. Well he pursued her rentlessly for 6 months before she agreed to marry him. End of story.

While scrying around her drawer looking for the “Treasures of untold beauty” aka vintage necklace to the eye of a 7 years old pirate that would match my ridiculous outfit of black skirt on top of the head with a scarf for an eye patch, I found this innocent looking white box in her drawer. Loh and behold, the Chanel No.5 in a 5ml bottle in original packaging not opened still sealed. The pirate then didn’t understand the significance until much later, preferring the vintage necklace.

Zipping back to 2011,
I have heard so much hype about Chanel No.5 and when I went to try them out at the Chanel counter, they stink heaven high. Not at all what I thought it would be, the dreamy powdery scent that Marilyn Monroe wore to bed with nothing else on her heavenly body. I bet to my last dollar had Marilyn been alive, she would have pulverized the whole bottle in comparison to the modern perfumes and the story of Chanel No.5 would be no more than an innovative idea of the past.

Curiosity could not keep me away from the bottle and I finally did the unthinkable. I open it. I want to relive the moment of the golden days where everyone is so taken with Chanel No.5. Where whisper of the name would cause quiver in the knickers. The delicious feeling that overcame them at the mention of that name. The feeling that the perfume can evoke, is like weeds to artist, marajauna to poets, the dreamy hullucination and inspiration that one can gather from it.


I suppose to be fair it must have been a revolutionary idea back then to use synthetic materials to compose a perfume. It is innocuous at best, but to give it the legend it held, I thought it’s a bit far fetch at this point. It started out with a bang of adehydic floral with powdery notes and a hint of something sour (could be due to oxidation). Well it definitely smells like my grandma. Towards the end, the dry down notes remind me of strawberry shortcake dolls, the 90’s dose everything including toys with synthetic fragrance mantra, mayhaps more elegant.